• Official Full Name

    anaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase
  • Overview

    This gene encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase, which belongs to the insulin receptor superfamily. This protein comprises an extracellular domain, an hydrophobic stretch corresponding to a single pass transmembrane region, and an intracellular kinase domain. It plays an important role in the development of the brain and exerts its effects on specific neurons in the nervous system. This gene has been found to be rearranged, mutated, or amplified in a series of tumours including anaplastic large cell lymphomas, neuroblastoma, and non-small cell lung cancer. The chromosomal rearrangements are the most common genetic alterations in this gene, which result in creation of multiple fusion genes in tumourigenesis, including ALK (chromosome 2)/EML4 (chromosome 2), ALK/RANBP2 (chromosome 2), ALK/ATIC (chromosome 2), ALK/TFG (chromosome 3), ALK/NPM1 (chromosome 5), ALK/SQSTM1 (chromosome 5), ALK/KIF5B (chromosome 10), ALK/CLTC (chromosome 17), ALK/TPM4 (chromosome 19), and ALK/MSN (chromosome X).
  • Synonyms

    Alk;ALK tyrosine kinase receptor;ALK Tyrosine Kinase Receptor Precursor;ALK/EML4 fusion gene, included;ALK/NPM1 fusion gene, included;ALK_HUMAN;anaplastic lymphoma kinase (Ki-1);Anaplastic lymphoma kinase;Anaplastic lymphoma kinase Ki1;Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase p80;CD246;CD246 Antigen;EC;Ki 1;Ki1;NBLST3;Tcrz;TFG/ALK

Recombinant Proteins

  • Mouse
  • Human
  • Rhesus macaque
  • Macaca nemestrina
  • HEK293
  • E.coli
  • Sf21 Cells
  • Insect Cells
  • Sf9 Cells
  • Mammalian Cells
  • E.Coli/Yeast
  • Wheat Germ
  • Non
  • His
  • GST
  • DDK
  • Myc
  • Fc
  • hIgG4
  • Flag
  • Avi
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
Alk-15M Recombinant Mouse Alk Protein HEK293 Mouse Non aa.19-1042
ABCB1-9207H Recombinant Human ABCB1 protein, His-tagged E.coli Human His 624-708 aa
ALK-3120H Recombinant Human ALK protein, His-tagged E.coli Human His 1400-1620 aa
ALK-08H Active Recombinant Human ALK, GST-tagged Sf21 Cells Human GST 1-1059aa
ALK-09H Active Recombinant Human ALK, MYC/DDK-tagged HEK293 Human DDK&Myc 1-1620aa
ALK-469H Active Recombinant Human ALK Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1058 a.a. - 1620 a.a.
ALK-471H Active Recombinant Human ALK Protein, GST-His tagged Insect Cells Human GST&His 1066 a.a. - 1437 a.a.
ALK-92H Active Recombinant Human ALK, GST-His Tag Sf9 Cells Human GST&His L1066-S1437
ALK-01H Active Recombinant Human ALK Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-10H Recombinant Human ALK, His-tagged Sf9 Cells Human His Arg1060-Pro1620
ALK-12H Recombinant Human ALK, GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-13H Recombinant Human ALK (F1174S), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-14H Recombinant Human ALK (L1196M), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-1552M Recombinant Mouse ALK Protein Mammalian Cells Mouse His
ALK-15H Recombinant Human ALK (S1206R), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-1625R Recombinant Rhesus Monkey ALK Protein HEK293 Rhesus macaque His 19-1038aa
ALK-1626R Recombinant Rhesus Monkey ALK Protein, hIgG1-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque Fc 19-1038aa
ALK-1627R Recombinant Rhesus Monkey ALK Protein, hIgG4-tagged HEK293 Rhesus macaque hIgG4 19-1038aa
ALK-16M Recombinant Macaca nemestrina ALK Protein HEK293 Macaca nemestrina Non aa.19-1038
ALK-26499TH Recombinant Human ALK E.coli Human Non 426-528 a.a.
ALK-27H Recombinant Human ALK (T1151_L1152insT), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-28H Recombinant Human ALK (F1174L), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-29H Recombinant Human ALK (G1202R), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-30H Recombinant Human ALK (G1269S), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-31H Recombinant Human ALK (R1275Q), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST&His 1066 a.a. - 1437 a.a.
Alk-3270M Recombinant Mouse Alk, His-tagged E.Coli/Yeast Mouse His 1-1621aa
ALK-32H Recombinant Human ALK protein, Flag-tagged, Biotinylated Insect Cells Human Flag 1058-1620aa
ALK-33H Recombinant Human ALK(L1196M) protein, Flag-tagged, Biotinylated Insect Cells Human Flag 1058-1620aa
ALK-385H Recombinant Human ALK Protein, DDK/His-tagged HEK293 Human Flag&His Val19-Ser1038
ALK-473H Recombinant Human ALK Protein, GST-tagged Wheat Germ Human GST 251 a.a. - 350 a.a.
ALK-49H Recombinant Human ALK (T1151M), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-50H Recombinant Human ALK (L1152R), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-51H Recombinant Human ALK (G1269A), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-58H Recombinant Human ALK (C1156Y), GST-tagged Sf9 Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-65H Recombinant Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Receptor Tyrosine Kinase E.coli Human Non 426-528 a.a.
ALK-89H Recombinant Human ALK, His Tag Sf9 Cells Human His L1066-S1437
ALK-02H Recombinant Human ALK (L1196M G1202R) Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1060-end
ALK-1151HFL Recombinant Full Length Human ALK Protein, C-Flag-tagged Mammalian Cells Human Flag Full L. 1-1620aa
ALK-1272H Recombinant Human ALK Protein, Myc/DDK-tagged, C13 and N15-labeled HEK293 Human DDK&Myc 1-1620aa
ALK1343H Recombinant Human ALK (1069-1411) Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1069-1411aa
ALK1430H Recombinant Human ALK (1081-1411) Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1081-1411aa
ALK-1801HFL Recombinant Full Length Human ALK, Flag-tagged Mammalian Cells Human Flag Full L. 1-1620aa
ALK18290H Recombinant Human ALK (1081-1419) Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1081-1419aa
ALK25121H Recombinant Human ALK (1069-1396) Protein, GST-tagged Insect Cells Human GST 1069-1396aa
ALK-26H Recombinant Human ALK protein, His-tagged E.coli Human His Met1348-Ser1611
ALK-318H Recombinant Human ALK Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Human Avi&Fc&His
ALK-318H-B Recombinant Human ALK Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Human
ALK-4163H Recombinant Human ALK Protein (Met1-Ser1038), C-His tagged Mammalian Cells Human His Met1-Ser1038
ALK-472M Recombinant Mouse ALK Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Mouse Avi&Fc&His
ALK-472M-B Recombinant Mouse ALK Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Mouse
Alk-577M Recombinant Mouse Alk Protein, MYC/DDK-tagged HEK293 Mouse DDK&Myc 1-1621aa

    Involved Pathway

    ALK involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways ALK participated on our site, such as Non-small cell lung cancer, which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with ALK were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein
    Non-small cell lung cancer PIK3CD,PIK3R1,RARB,PLCG1,PIK3R5,ARAF,STK4,RXRB,PRKCB,MAP2K1

    Protein Function

    ALK has several biochemical functions, for example, ATP binding,NF-kappaB-inducing kinase activity,identical protein binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by ALK itself. We selected most functions ALK had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with ALK. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein
    protein binding RNPS1,EDA,HDAC7,FAM124B,C2orf88,PRKAG1,GRAP2,ZNF34,SNAPC5,FANCC
    protein tyrosine kinase activity MAP2K3,CLK3,ERBB3A,EPHA7,EPHB4B,FGR,PTK2BB,BMX,IGF1RB,EPHB2B
    NF-kappaB-inducing kinase activity IKBKE,PPP4C,ALPK2,RIPK3,MAP3K14,IRAK1
    transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity KDRL,ERBB4,ERBB4A,DDR1,KITA,FLT4,FLT3,IGF1RB,INSRB,EPHA4B
    identical protein binding SHARPIN,GCC2,MNS1,RYR2,ALDH4A1,PARK2,RELA,CHEK2,SLC22A1,TRA@

    Interacting Protein

    ALK has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with ALK here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of ALK.




    • Ziegler, JU; Schweiggert, RM; et al. A method for the simultaneous extraction and quantitation of lipophilic antioxidants in Triticum sp by HPLC-DAD/FLD-MSn. JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS 39:94-102(2015).
    • Ishibashi, Y; Miyoshi, H; et al. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase protein expression, genetic abnormalities, and phosphorylation in soft tissue tumors: Phosphorylation is associated with recurrent metastasis. ONCOLOGY REPORTS 33:1667-1674(2015).

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