Site-Directed Mutagenesis

      The GenePowerTM site-directed mutagenesis service introduces single or multiple mutations (substitutions, insertions, deletions, or truncations) into existing DNA sequences quickly and economically.

      We can replace any protein residue with the residue you specify. A stretch of up to 7 neighboring amino acids can be replaced simultaneously and considered one mutation. Mutations can be introduced in more than one location.


      • Investigate active sites, structure-function relationships, nucleic acid–protein interactions, etc.
      • Test functional elements (promoter regions, terminator sequences, etc.).
      • Construct fusion proteins and tagged proteins.
      • Design knockout constructs.
      • Generate alternative splice forms.
      • Conduct alanine scans to identify protein functional domains.


      • Economical alternative to synthetic gene construction for constructs smaller than ~1 kb.
      • Mutations exactly where you need them, without the risk of introducing unwanted mutations.
      • Unlike "quick change" strategies, the vector is not subjected to PCR—just the insert.
      • Insert size can be as large as 6–8 kb.
      • No mutations in the vector backbone.
      • Mutations can be clustered or far apart, with the same cost and production time.
      • Fast turnaround times.
      • Template constructs are stored for at least 2 years at no charge and longer-term storage is available.
      • Full sequence verification of insert DNA.

      Contact us or send an email at for project quotations and more detailed information.

      Online Inquiry