• Official Full Name

    tubulin, alpha 3d
  • Overview

    This gene encodes a member of the alpha tubulin family. Tubulin is a major component of microtubules, which are composed of alpha- and beta-tubulin heterodimers and microtubule-associated proteins in the cytoskeleton. Microtubules maintain cellular structure, function in intracellular transport, and play a role in spindle formation during mitosis.
  • Synonyms

    TUBA3D;tubulin, alpha 3d;tubulin alpha-3C/D chain;alpha tubulin isotype H2 alpha;H2 ALPHA;Alpha tubulin 2;Tubulin alpha 3d;tubulin alpha-2 chain;alpha-tubulin isotype H2-alpha;TUBA3C;H2-ALPHA
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
TUBA3D-658HCL Recombinant Human TUBA3D 293 Cell Lysate HEK293 Human Non
TUBA3D-6450H Recombinant Human TUBA3D Protein, Myc/DDK-tagged, C13 and N15-labeled HEK293 Human DDK&Myc

    Involved Pathway

    TUBA3D involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways TUBA3D participated on our site, such as Chaperonin-mediated protein folding,Cooperation of Prefoldin and TriC/CCT in actin and tubulin folding,Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC, which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with TUBA3D were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein
    Cooperation of Prefoldin and TriC/CCT in actin and tubulin folding CCT8,TUBB4A,CCT5,TUBA1B,CCT3,PFDN1,PFDN4,PFDN2,CCT4,PFDN6
    Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection CD14,TUBA8,RHOA,CTTN,CLDN1,TUBB6,YWHAZ,NCK2,ROCK1,WAS
    Parkin-Ubiquitin Proteasomal System pathway STUB1,HSPA7,HSPA14,UBE2J2,TUBB7P,TUBA3E,RNF19A,TUBA1B,SIAH2
    Chaperonin-mediated protein folding KIFC3,CCT7,FBXW5,CCT3,FBXW2,TUBA1B,TUBB4B,CCT4,TUBB4A,TCP1
    Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC CCT6A,TUBB4A,CCT5,TUBA1B,CCT8,CCT7,TCP1,TUBB4B,CCT4,CCT2
    Metabolism of proteins MUC4,FBXL5,C8orf84,NANP,TRAPPC5,APEH,IGFBP1A,GPR116,PAPPAB,OTOP2

    Protein Function

    TUBA3D has several biochemical functions, for example, GTP binding,GTPase activity,protein binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by TUBA3D itself. We selected most functions TUBA3D had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with TUBA3D. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein
    protein binding KCTD5,FAM46A,THBS2,GPR85,GPR37L1,RRM2,TPM3,CIB2,CD2BP2,GPRC5A
    structural constituent of cytoskeleton TNNT2A,YEATS4,TPM1,BFSP1,ACTG1,TUBA4A,TUBGCP5,KRT15,SPRR2A1,ANK1

    Interacting Protein

    TUBA3D has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with TUBA3D here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of TUBA3D.




    • Nagaki, K; Yamamoto, M; et al. Chromosome Dynamics Visualized with an Anti-Centromeric Histone H3 Antibody in Allium. PLOS ONE 7:-(2012).
    • Enuka, Y; Hanukoglu, I; et al. Epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are uniformly distributed on motile cilia in the oviduct and the respiratory airways. HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY 137:339-353(2012).

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