• Official Full Name

    neuregulin 3
  • Overview

    This gene is a member of the neuregulin gene family. This gene family encodes ligands for the transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptors ERBB3 and ERBB4 - members of the epidermal growth factor receptor family. Ligand binding activates intracellular signaling cascades and the induction of cellular responses including proliferation, migration, differentiation, and survival or apoptosis. This gene encodes neuregulin 3 (NRG3). NRG3 has been shown to activate the tyrosine phosphorylation of its cognate receptor, ERBB4, and is thought to influence neuroblast proliferation, migration and differentiation by signalling through ERBB4. NRG3 also promotes mammary differentiation during embryogenesis. Linkage studies have implicated this gene as a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms. Additional transcript variants have been described but their biological validity has not been verified.
  • Synonyms

    NRG3;neuregulin 3;pro-neuregulin-3, membrane-bound isoform;neuregulin 3 variant 1;neuregulin 3 variant 3;neuregulin 3 variant 4;neuregulin 3 variant 5;neuregulin 3 variant 6;neuregulin 3 variant 7;neuregulin 3 variant 8;neuregulin 3 variant 9;n
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
NRG3-762H Recombinant Human NRG3 Protein, Fc-tagged HEK293 Human Fc 282-342 a.a.
NRG3-763H Recombinant Human NRG3 protein(Glu282-Pro342), His-tagged HEK293 Human His Glu282-Pro342
NRG3-3697HCL Recombinant Human NRG3 293 Cell Lysate HEK293 Human Non
NRG3-1791H Recombinant Human NRG3 Protein (1-360 aa), His-SUMO-tagged E.coli Human His&SUMO 1-360 aa
RFL11233HF Recombinant Full Length Human Pro-Neuregulin-3, Membrane-Bound Isoform(Nrg3) Protein, His-Tagged E.coli Human His Full L. Full Length (1-720)
RFL15481MF Recombinant Full Length Mouse Pro-Neuregulin-3, Membrane-Bound Isoform(Nrg3) Protein, His-Tagged E.coli Mus musculus His Full L. Full Length (1-713)

    Involved Pathway

    NRG3 involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways NRG3 participated on our site, such as ARMS-mediated activation,Adaptive Immune System,Axon guidance, which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with NRG3 were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein
    Cytokine Signaling in Immune system TRIM45,KPNA3,NUP35,UBE2V1,KLB,EIF4G1,TNIP2,CSF2RB,IRF2,WDR83
    Constitutive Signaling by Aberrant PI3K in Cancer FRS2,HBEGF,TRAT1,EGF,NRG4,KLB
    Developmental Biology PSPN,CFL1,LGI3,FRS2B,ARPC4,MED8,AP2A2,SCN9A,CHL1,DPYSL3
    Adaptive Immune System RAP1GAP2,ACTR1B,DNM2,PIK3AP1,CLEC2G,PJA1,HUWE1,FBXO27,TRIM41,UBE2J2
    ARMS-mediated activation DUSP2,FGF10B,PSME3,SPTBN1,SPNA2,DUSP5,CSF2RA,JAK1,CSF2,SPTBN2

    Protein Function

    NRG3 has several biochemical functions, for example, chemorepellent activity,growth factor activity,receptor binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by NRG3 itself. We selected most functions NRG3 had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with NRG3. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein
    chemorepellent activity FLRT2,SEMA3G,FLRT3,Sema3f,SEMA4A,SEMA4BA,APOA1,SEMA3AA,SEMA3A,SEMA4D
    growth factor activity FGF1B,IL9,NRG2,THPO,EFEMP1,FGF22,FGF10A,CXCL1,IL5,FGF13
    receptor tyrosine kinase binding ANGPT1,ANXA5,CPNE3,PLCG1,ANGPT2A,ELMO2,ZFP259,TP53,ANGPT4,SQSTM1
    receptor binding PVR,INHA,MAG,ANXA1,TAC3,TNFSF12,F2R,SLC39A1,C5,DECR2
    transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activator activity NRG1,EFNA5,EGF,ANGPT4,GREM1

    Interacting Protein

    NRG3 has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with NRG3 here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of NRG3.


    Gene Families

    Growth Factors


    • Mahtouk, K; Moreaux, J; et al. Growth factors in multiple myeloma: a comprehensive analysis of their expression in tumor cells and bone marrow environment using Affymetrix microarrays. BMC CANCER 10:-(2010).
    • Dunn, M; Sinha, P; et al. Co-expression of neuregulins 1, 2, 3 and 4 in human breast cancer. JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 203:672-680(2004).

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