• Official Full Name

    lemur tyrosine kinase 2
  • Overview

    The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the protein kinase superfamily and the protein tyrosine kinase family. It contains N-terminal transmembrane helices and a long C-terminal cytoplasmic tail with serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase activity. This protein interacts with several other proteins, such as Inhibitor-2 (Inh2), protein phosphatase-1 (PP1C), p35, and myosin VI. It phosporylates other proteins, and is itself also phosporylated when interacting with cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (cdk5)/p35 complex. This protein involves in nerve growth factor (NGF)-TrkA signalling, and also plays a critical role in endosomal membrane trafficking. Mouse studies suggested an essential role of this protein in spermatogenesis.
  • Synonyms

    LMTK2;lemur tyrosine kinase 2;serine/threonine-protein kinase LMTK2;AATYK2;BREK;cprk;KIAA1079;KPI 2;KPI2;LMR2;hBREK;brain-enriched kinase;CDK5/p35-regulated kinase;kinase phosphatase inhibitor 2;kinase/phosphatase/inhibitor 2;serine/threoni
Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Species Tag Protein Length Price
LMTK2-9162M Recombinant Mouse LMTK2 Protein Mammalian Cells Mouse His
LMTK2-5121M Recombinant Mouse LMTK2 Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 Mouse Avi&Fc&His
LMTK2-5121M-B Recombinant Mouse LMTK2 Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293 Mouse

    Involved Pathway

    LMTK2 involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways LMTK2 participated on our site, such as , which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with LMTK2 were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

    Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein

    Protein Function

    LMTK2 has several biochemical functions, for example, ATP binding,kinase activity,myosin VI binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by LMTK2 itself. We selected most functions LMTK2 had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with LMTK2. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

    Function Related Protein
    transferase activity METTL8,PRKAB1A,UGT8A,MBOAT1,POLN,FLJ11011L,UBE2QL1,Chst5,SULT2ST3,STK35L
    protein serine/threonine kinase activity LRRK2,MAP2K2,MAPK8B,NEK8,PRKCBB,OBSCN,RPS6KA3A,STK32C,PHKG1B,NUAK1
    protein kinase activity JAK2B,SIK2A,ROCK2A,MAP3K4,MAPK12B,PRKG1A,MKNK2B,MAP2K2A,WEE2,CDK8
    protein phosphatase inhibitor activity SAG,SH3RF2,ENSAA,PPP1R14A,ARPP19,PTN,COL20A1,PPP1R14D,KIAA0649,PPP1R10

    Interacting Protein

    LMTK2 has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with LMTK2 here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of LMTK2.




    • Xu, YC; Zhang, H; et al. The Kinase LMTK3 Promotes Invasion in Breast Cancer Through GRB2-Mediated Induction of Integrin beta(1). SCIENCE SIGNALING 7:-(2014).
    • Luz, S; Cihil, KM; et al. LMTK2-mediated Phosphorylation Regulates CFTR Endocytosis in Human Airway Epithelial Cells. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 289:15080-15093(2014).

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