Protein Phosphorylation Site Identification and Mapping Service
Creative BioMart provides for the detection of phosphosites located in a target protein that has been phosphorylated in vivo and purified by immuno-precipitation or a recombinant protein that has been phosphorylated in vitro with a purified protein kinase.
Our speciality is the identification of protein phosphorylation sites. We usually identify phosphorylation sites by collision induced dissociation (CID) or electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) in our systems.
We also perform a number of 32P labelled phosphorylation site analyses. Here, radiolabelled proteins are digested with a protease and peptides separated on an off-line HPLC system with an on-line radioactivity detector. Peaks containing 32P are identified by a combination of mass spectrometry and solid phase Edman degradation. This methodology has been used in a large number of publications from the Unit describing novel protein phosphorylation sites and our lab is regarded as one of the world's experts in this technology.

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