Uncategorized Tuesday, 2015/09/15
As it’s approaching to the Nobel Prize month, SCI certainly will make forecast by citation. However, the accuracy is not that satisfactory. Typically, the Nobel Prize mainly rely on the peer recommendation, thus hot and mature areas might win. And since the announcement day for the 2015 Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine is only 20 days left, the writer would like to make a prediction of it. What technologies might be awarded?
Gene Editing
This field, however, is obviously the hottest one. Though relatively new, it has been shown to have large application space. Scholars recommend this might be a lot. It should be noted that there are several gene editing methods, here however, especially referring to CRISPR-Cas9. If this can make it, the prize might be awarded to EmmanuelleMarie Charpentier and JenniferAnne Doudna.
Study of Hypoxia Inducible Factor
Functional studies of hypoxia inducible factor was an important breakthrough 10 years ago in life sciences. And two engaged in the research were WilliamG. Kaelin Jr. and Gregg L. Semenza, who were awarded Gairdner Award in 2010 and ASCI/Stanley J. Korsmeyer in 2012. The two were popular candidate for this Nobel Prize. But another research about leptin molecule might succeed too. But the winners will lack a core contributor who has already passed away.
Cancer Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is not only the most popular but also the most anticipated field. Breakthrough of CTLA-4, PD-1, Car-T and other tumor immune mechanisms has brought epoch-making changes to cancer treatment. The most popular candidate in this field should be James Allison, immunologist in the University of Texas.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Some said the prize should be awarded to MRI, though received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2003, 12 years later, people think the award should be given to functional MRI. Although the technology is still the same, functional MRI, originated from PET technology, after all, is a non-invasive brain function research technology. Seiji Ogawa and David Edmund Kuhl might have the possibility for the prize.
Structural Biology
Frozen electron microscopy techniques might also be recommend, especially because it is the help of this technology that makes structural biology become the most popular field. Previously, fluorescence microscope technology has received chemistry prize, then freeze electron microscopy techniques may also be able to claim the prize in chemistry. Of course, top scientists use this technique may also have the opportunity for Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
However, according to previous experience, most of the prediction is not accurate. But it’s meaningful to card hotpots of biomedical studies.