Uncategorized Thursday, 2015/07/16
Maybe we have long been acknowledged that Vitamin C (VC) is really important for our bodies. And have been encouraged to eat more food and vegetables that are full of VC. A recent study added a new traits to VC, enlarged the advantages of it. Scientists in this study have found that high VC in the blood from the intake of fruit and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and early death.
100,000 Danes have been tested in the study. Scientists tested the people’s intake of fruit and vegetables as well as their DNA. As a result, it has been shown that those with the highest intake of fruit and vegetables have a 15% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and they also have a 20% lower risk of early death than those who rarely eat fruit and vegetables.
VC helps build connective tissue which supports and connects different types of tissues and organs in the body. It can also protect cells and molecules from damages that will cause may diseases like cardiovascular disease. However, human body can’t produce VC, so we have to get from our diet. Eating a lot of different kinds of fruit and vegetables is the most natural way of increasing VC levels. Currently there are various of vitamin C supplements in the market. However, eating a healthy diet will help more in the long run.
So, what are those fruit and vegetables that conclude abundant VC? Basically they are: Jujube, Kiwi, Grapefruit, Lemon, Green pepper, Longan, Tomato, Strawberry, Cabbage, Cucumber, Cauliflower, Hawthorn, Loquat...
The next step of them, the researchers said is to figure out other factors that combined with VC to have an impact on cardiovascular disease and early death.