Do you regard GMO-labels as negative warnings?

 Uncategorized    Tuesday, 2015/07/28

In the last two posts we have talked about bioengineering. I still want to lay my today’s topic on GMO. First a question, do you regard GMO-labels as negative warnings? A recent new study reveals that most of the people don’t regard GMO labeling as warning meanings and will nDo you regard GMO-labels as negative warnings?ot be scared away just by the labels. This study was released right after the U.S. House passed a bill that would prevent states from requiring labels on genetically modified foods. This study was presented at the annual conference of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association which was held in San Francisco on July, 27. This study was based on a five-year data including 2003, 2004, 2008, 2014 and 2015. And it includes 2,012 responses to a representative, statewide survey of Vermont residents. Trying to figure out people’s opinions, this study mainly focused on two questions: whether those participators are apposed to genetically modified food and if they think products containing GMO’s should be labeled. According to the five year’s data, in average, nearly 60 percent of the people are opposed to the use of GMO technology in the food production, and over 89% desire to be told of GMO ingredients in the food by labeling. Interestingly, the study found that responses varied by demographic groups. For instance, give a desire for positive GMO labels, the number of people opposing to GMO decreased in people with lower education, in highest incomes groups and in single parent households. And the opposition increased in men and people who has middle-income. But the changes stays in 3%. Whether negative or not. I think we should be informed which have GMO ingredients. Anyway, it’s our right. With those genetically modified food labeled, people who want to avoid this and who are positive or indifferent about this can make their own choice. So, how do you think about this?