Product Overview :
The Inosine Assay Kit provides a simple and direct procedure for measuring inosine in a variety of samples. Inosine concentration is determined by a coupled enzyme reaction in which inosine is converted to hypoxanthine which reacts with the substrate mix and probe, resulting in a fluorometric product (Ex/Em = 535/587 nm), proportional to the inosine present.
Description :
Inosine is a purine nucleotide found at the wobble position of tRNA where it plays a role in the proper translation of mRNA at the ribosome. In addition to its role in translation, inosine also plays important roles in the immune system where is exhibits both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Inosine may be tissue protective during ischemic injury and recent reports suggest inosine may preserve cell viability during hypoxia.
Storage :
The kit is shipped on wet ice and storage at –20 °C, protected from light, is recommended.
Kit Components :
Inosine Assay Buffer: 25 ml
Inosine Probe: 0.4 ml
Converter Enzyme Mix (lyophilized): 1 vial
Developer Enzyme Mix (lyophilized): 1 vial
Inosine Substrate Mix (lyophilized): 1 vial
Inosine Standard (10 mM): 50 µl