Glutathione Fluorometric Assay Kit

Cat.No. :
Product Overview :
Glutathione is the principal intracellular low-molecular-weight thiol that plays a critical role in the cellular defense against oxidative and nitrosative stress in mammalian cells. Diminished glutathione levels have been observed in the early stages of apoptosis. ApoGSH; Glutathione Detection Kit provides a simple in vitro assay for detection of total glutathione changes in apoptosis and other samples. The assay utilizes monochlorobimane (MCB), a dye that appears to form an adduct exclusively with glutathione. The unbound MCB is almost nonfluorescent, whereas the dye fluoresces blue (Ex./Em. = 380nm/461nm) when bound to glutathione of reduced or oxidized form. The reaction is catalyzed by glutathione S-transferase. Thus, the amount of total glutathione can be easily detected using a fluorometer or a 96-well fluorometric plate reader.
Applications :
The Glutathione Detection Kit provides a simple in vitro assay for detecting the GSH changes in apoptosis and other pathological processes.
Storage :
Shipping :
Gel Pack
Size :
100 assays
Kit Components :
Cell Lysis Buffer; Monochlorobimane; GST Reagent; GSH Standard (1 mg; MW: 307)
Target Species :
Detection method :
Fluorescence (Ex/Em 380/461 nm)
Features & Benefits :
Simple two-step procedure; takes only 2 hours;
Fast and convenient;
The assay utilizes a dye that has a high affinity for glutathione. The unbound dye is almost nonfluorescent; whereas the dye fluoresces blue when bound to glutathione.
For Research or Industrial Raw Materials, Not For Personal Medical Use!

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