Description :
Glycerol is widely used in foods, beverages, solvents, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, etc. There is broad interest in quantification of glycerol for research and development. Glycerol Assay Kit provides a sensitive, easy assay to measure free glycerol concentration in various samples. In the assay, glycerol is enzymatically oxidized to generate a product which reacts with the probe to generate color (λ= 570 nm) and fluorescence (Ex/Em = 535/587 nm). The kit can detect 50 pmol-10 nmol (or 1~10000 μM range) of glycerol in various samples.
Applications :
The kit can detect 50 pmol-10 nmol (or 1~10000 μM range) of glycerol in various samples.
Kit Components :
Glycerol Assay Buffer; Glycerol Probe (in DMSO, anhydrous); Glycerol Enzyme Mix (lyophilized); GlycerolStandard (100 mM)
Detection method :
Absorbance (570 nm) or Fluorescence (Ex/Em 535/587 nm)
Features & Benefits :
Simple procedure; takes ~ 40 minutes;
Fast and convenient;
The kit provides an accurate assay for measuring free glycerol in various samples