Description :
Fatty Acids play important roles in normal metabolism and in many disease states. They are precursors to a number of bioactive classes of compounds including prostaglandins and leukotrienes, and have been implicated to play roles in such diverse functions as the immune system, autism, and the inflammatory response. Fatty acid levels are an important measure of the physiologic state.High levels are associated with diabetes mellitus, obesity, endocrine dysfunctions, and metabolic syndrome. Free Fatty Acid Colorimetric assay kit provides a simple method for the quantification free fatty acids. The kit offers a convenient, sensitive, enzyme-based method for the detection of long-chain (C-8 (octanoate) and longer) fatty acids in various biological samples. In the assay, fatty acids are converted to their CoA derivatives, which are subsequently oxidized by the enzyme mix to yield an intermediate. Formed intermediate then reacts with the Free Fatty acid probe to generate color which can be read by a spectrophotometer at OD 570 nm. Our 384-well format enables analyses of large number of samples on a single plate in a high throughput mode. Sample volumes between 1 and 10 μl can be used with this kit.