Product Overview :
Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation is a hallmark of apoptosis in mammalian cells. Enhanced Apoptotic DNA Ladder Detection Kit provides an easy and sensitive means for detecting DNA fragmentation in apoptotic cells. Unlike other commercially available kits that require 1-2 days to perform the procedure, the new detection method requires less than 90 minutes to prepare DNA, with neither extraction nor using columns. DNA fragmentation can be easily visualized by agarose gel electrophoreses stained with a highly sensitive dye.
Applications :
Detects efficiently DNA fragmentation from apoptotic cells
Kit Components :
TE Lysis Buffer; Enzyme B (Lyophilized); Ammonium Acetate Solution; DNA Suspension Buffer; Staining Dye (10000X)
Target Species :
Detection method :
Agarose gel electrophoresis
Features & Benefits :
Simple one-step procedure; takes only 90 minutes; Fast and convenient; Higher sensitivity in comparison to other similar kits in the market. The assay can be used to detect apoptotic DNA ladder in both tissues and cells.