Cellular Calcineurin Phosphatase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

Cat.No. :
Product Overview :
Cellular Calcineurin Phosphatase Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) is a complete colorimetric assay kit designed for measuring cellular calcineurin (CaN, PP2B) phosphatase activity. It employs a convenient 96-well microtiter-plate format with all reagents necessary for measuring calcineurin (PP2B) phosphatase activity in tissue/cellular extracts. The detection of free-phosphate released is based on the classic Malachite green assay and offers the following advantages: Non-radioactive; convenient 1-step detection; excellent sensitivity. This kit includes human recombinant calcineurin as a positive control. The RII phosphopeptide substrate (Calcineurin Substrate), supplied with this kit, is the most efficient and outstanding peptide substrate known for calcineurin.
Size :
1 x 96 tests
Applications :
Functional Studies more details
Kit Components :
Components: 1 x 96 tests; 2X EGTA Buffer: 1 x 1ml; 96-well Clear Microplate (1/2 Volume): 2 units; Active Calcineurin Enzyme: 1 x 10µl; Calcineurin Assay Buffer: 1 x 20ml; Calcineurin Substrate: 1 x 1.5mg; Calmodulin: 1 x 100µl; Desalting Column: 1 unit; Desalting Resin: 1 x 1g; Green Assay Reagent: 1 x 20ml; Lysis Buffer: 1 x 40ml; Okadaic Acid: 1 x 325µl; Phosphate Standard: 1 x 0.5ml; Protease Inhibitor Cocktail: 2 units
Detection method :
Compatible Sample Types :
Cell culture extracts, Tissue Extracts
For Research or Industrial Raw Materials, Not For Personal Medical Use!

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