CBP bromodomain TR-FRET Assay Kit

Cat.No. :
Size :
9600 wells
Description :
CBP (CREB-binding protein or CREBBP) functions as a histone acetyltransferase, catalyzing the transfer of an acetyl group from the cofactor acetylCoA to the ε-amine of a substrate lysine side chain. These acetylated lysine residues are recognized by bromodomains and play a critical role in the epigenetic regulation of gene transcription. CBP has also been shown to acetylate numerous non-histone proteins including various transcription factors and coactivators, some of which are related to several oncogenes and tumor suppressors. The CBP bromodomain TR-FRET Assay Kit is a homogeneous, TR-FRET assay method amenable to rapid characterization of inhibitors of bromodomain/acetylated peptide interaction in a high throughput format. This screening assay is robust, displaying a Z >0.6.
Storage :
Kit Components :
CBP bromodomain Europium Chelate: 1 vial/420 wells; 5 vials/420 wells; 5 vials/2,100 wells; -80°CCBP bromodomain Ligand/APC Acceptor Mixture: 1 vial/420 wells; 5 vials/420 wells; 5 vials/2,100 wells; -80°CTR-FRET Assay Buffer (10X): 1 vial/2 ml; 1 vial/10 ml; 5 vials/10 ml; -20°CTR-FRET Assay Buffer Additive: 1 vial/200 mg; 1 vial/1 g; 5 vials/1 g; -20°CI-CBP112 Positive Control: 1 vial/24 nmol; 5 vials/24 nmol; 5 vials/120 nmol; -80°C384-Well Solid Plate (low volume; black): 1 plate; 5 plates; 25 plates; Room temperatureFoil Plate Covers: 1 cover; 5 covers; 25 covers; Room temperature
For Research or Industrial Raw Materials, Not For Personal Medical Use!

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