Description :
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) plays an important role in many biological processes. It is a potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral agent and an immune stimulant and is present in a wide variety of biological specimens. Due to the presence of a variety of other antioxidants in biological samples such as serum, most ascorbic acid assays show strong interference. FRASC Assay Kit provides a rapid, simple, and sensitive means of detecting ascorbic acid in biological samples such as serum and other body fluids, tissue and cell extracts, growth media and food products. In this assay, Fe;; is reduced to Fe2; by any antioxidants present. The ferrous iron is chelated with a colorimetric probe to produce a product with a strong absorbance band which can be monitored between 545-600 nm. The addition of ascorbate oxidase to parallel samples removes any ascorbate present leaving a background value which is subtracted from the total to give ascorbate content. The assay can detect 0.2 to 20 nmol of ascorbic acid in various samples.