Product Overview :
AKT Activity Assay Kit utilizes an Akt-specific antibody to immunoprecipitate Akt from cell lysate. Activity of the Akt is then determined in a kinase reaction using recombinant GSK-3a as substrate. Phosphorylation of the GSK-3a can be analyzed by Western blot analysis using the phospho-GSK-3a specific antibody included in the kit. The kit specifically detects Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3 activities, other kinase activities would not be detected. The AKT Specific Antibody reacts with human, mouse, and rat.
Description :
Akt is a protein kinase that can be activated by insulin and various growth factors and functions in a pathway involving PI3 kinase. Recent evidence suggests that Akt functions to promote cell survival by actively inhibiting apoptosis.
Applications :
Functional Studies more details
Storage :
Store at -20°C.
Kit Components :
Components: Identifier; Akt Specific Antibody: Red; GSK-3a Protein/ATP Mixture: Blue; Kinase Assay Buffer: WM; Kinase Extraction Buffer: NM; Phospho-GSK-3a Specific Antibody: Green; Protein A Sepharose: Clear
Compatible Sample Types :
Tissue Extracts, Cell Lysate