Stable Cell Line Services
Stable cell line service at Creative BioMart covers all your needs in the aspects of protein production and assay development. Not only have we developed cell lines stable at expression level, but also established stable cell lines ready for assay development. Creative BioMart stable cell line platform guarantees over-expressing of gene of interest in any cell hosts.
Service Items
- Protein Production Grade Stable Cell Lines
- Assay Grade Stable Cell Lines
- Gene Edited Knock-out, Knock-in Custom Cell Lines
Creative BioMart service provides a recombinant stable pool or stable single clone generated from our lentiviral vector transduction service, yielding high transfection efficiency. Expert at Creative BioMart ensure you successfully generate a recombinant stable cell pool or clone with any gene in any host cell. Creative BioMart also offers conventional gene transfer methods for stable cell line development. For knock-out and knock-in cell lines, Creative BioMart offers BioCRISPR™ custom genome editing service.
Stability: You want to develop a stable cell line because it is "stable", in expressing the target protein. However, not all stable cell lines are equally "stable". After several passages, some stable cell lines may become unstable, with their expression diminishing slowly. This is a very common problem for many stable cell lines. To resolve this critical issue, Creative BioMart has developed a system that makes the cell lines more stable than ever. We have found that, even after 25 generations, their expression level is comparable to the earlier generations.
High expression: If you need to develop a cell line high in protein yield, we provide the best system to create a stable cell line with capability of expressing high amount of intracellular or secreted of the targeted protein.
Fast: High productivity stable clone approximately in 12 weeks.

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