Site-Specific and Custom Labeling
Creative BioMart is committed to providing advanced tools for protein expression and purification. As a leading supplier for reagents in the biotechnology field, we understand the importance of convenient and easy-to-use systems for high level expression and sample purification. We invite you to review our growing range of expression systems resulting from our experience in cloning, overexpression and purification.
Site-Specific Labeling
- C-terminal labeling
- N-terminal labeling
- Labeling at glycosylation sites
Especially biomolecule labeling requires reaction procedures that can be performed under physiological conditions (neutral pH, aqueous solution, ambient temperature) with low reactant concentrations to ensure non-toxic, low background labeling at reasonable time scales while still preserving biological function. Among the plethora of possible reactions only a few generally fit the necessary reactivity, selectivity and biocompatibility criteria.
- Cu-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne reaction
- Strain-promoted Azide-Alkyne reaction
- Tetrazine-trans-Cyclooctene Ligation
Creative BioMart has extensive experience with various protein labeling techniques and are confident that we can provide you with high-quality labeled reagents for your downstream applications. Possible problems during labeling procedures include protein losses due to precipitation, sample manipulation & instability, inconsistent label-to-protein ratio, incomplete removal of an unconjugated labeling probe, and poor protein characterization before and after labeling. Creative BioMart has new labeling technologies that had emerged for site-directed labeling requiring an integration of protein expression and purification into the labeling process.

Contact us or send an email at for project quotations and more detailed information.
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